Zap Acne

Acne: It’s not just for kids. A high percentage of adults experience acne, and an even larger number deal with permanent reminders of their acne-plagued youth, including scarring, redness and pitting. We tailor Zap Acne to your particular needs, using a wide array of techniques to help stop it in its tracks, and to help erase its after-effects.

Common Problems

Active acne, scarring and discoloration resulting from past bouts with acne

Treatment Options

Dermal Fillers

An effective way to restore volume to acne-pitted skin, soft-tissue filler therapy involves injecting filler directly into acne scars with a very fine needle to plump and smooth the treatment area. We use proven products such as Juvéderm®, Restaylane® and Sculptra®. Treatments take about 30-90 minutes depending on the extend of the treatment, and can cause mild-to-moderate swelling and bruising for three to seven days. Results are visible right away and can last for several months to several years.


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) therapy uses growth factors from your own blood to rejuvenate skin. A small sample of blood is drawn at your appointment. Your own plasma, white and red cells and other growth properties form the basis for an injectable formula that stimulates collagen growth, regenerates tissue, improves skin tone, and naturally smoothes and tightens the skin. Results begin to show 3-4 weeks after the treatment session and continue to improve as the body builds its own collagen. Often more than one session is needed for optimal results. The procedure requires no after care. It can be a standalone treatment, or used in combination with other procedures such as micro needling to enhance results. Mild swelling, redness or bruising fades within one to three days.

Oral and Topical Medications

Prescribed by the Nurse Practitioner to treat active disease as well as repair and restore damaged skin, oral and topical medications are carefully overseen to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Medical-Grade Facials

Customized to help clear your skin and prevent breakouts, medical-grade facials are as relaxing as they are effective at combatting acne and oily rosacea. Fifty-minute treatments include a stimulator peel, facial massage, Masque, extractions and spot treatment for active acne. We recommended facials once a week for one month, and every 4-6 weeks thereafter.

Skin Care

This is all about the actions you take every day to keep your skin healthy and vibrant. What’s unique about our approach to daily skincare is that it’s tailored not only to your needs, but also to your daily routines and individual goals. This involves looking beyond the damage caused exclusively by acne. It starts with medical-grade products that are grounded in science and proven by experience, and it continues with a customized skin care program we develop for you – one that gets results without forcing you to change the way you live. Plan on an hour for so for an in-depth initial consultation.

Micro Needling

Used to effectively remodel acne star tissue while minimizing cellular damage, micro needling creates controlled micro-injuries that trigger your immune system to disinfect wounds, remove debris, increase blood flow and begin to create new tissue from the granulation cells that are part of the extracellular matrix. Additionally, a new network of blood vessels develops. Treatments last from one hour to 90 minutes and are not painful (they feel like rubbing an electric toothbrush on your skin), though they do cause mild redness and itching that last from 24-48 hours. Three monthly treatments will yield peak results in about six months.

At-Home Acne Masque

Designed specifically for complexion clearing, this natural, clay-based masque by ZO® Skin Health contains sulfur (10%) to treat and prevent acne, reduce sebum and calm irritation; glycerin to replenish hydration; and kaolin and bentonite to absorb surface oils and remove debris to keep pores clear. The Masque can be applied at home, and it is also a component of our Medical-Grade Facials.

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