Sun Repair
From fine lines to age spots, the greatest contributor to visible aging is the sun. The first step to addressing sun-related damage is an effective skin care regimen tailored to your individual needs. Our Sun Repair services go well beyond preventive measures, however. By combining targeted, proven treatments, you can chart dramatic progress. In many cases, they can be performed in the winter months when you’re less apt to be exposed to the sun, so that by the time summer comes around, you’re well-equipped to enjoy the weather without endangering your skin.

Common Problems
Age and sun spots, wrinkling related to long-term sun exposure

Treatment Options
Wrinkle Relaxers
What if you could laugh (or frown, for that matter) without exaggerating the fine lines and wrinkles surrounding your eyes? Botox Cosmetic® and Dysport® injectable treatments help to reduce moderate to severe frown lines, crow’s feet and forehead lines by working beneath the surface to temporarily suppress the muscle activity that causes them. Administered by injection in about 15 minutes (with little to no downtime), they yield results that last about 3-4 months.
PDO Thread Lift
This isn’t a facelift, but it acts like one. PDO is a minimally invasive procedure that reduces fine lines and wrinkles as well as jowls and nasolabial folds, while encouraging collagen production for more volume in the treated areas. PDO stands for polydioxanone, an absorbable polymer that is flexible and durable. Threads of PDO are inserted into the treatment area to lift and reposition facial and neck tissues. The procedure typically takes about 45 minutes to perform. Recovery time averages three days, with full activity after seven days. Results are immediate, and last about 18 months between maintenance treatments.
Peels are simple, but effective treatments whereby we apply a chemical solution to sun-damaged skin, which causes the outer layer to peel off, allowing for the formation of new skin that is usually smoother, less wrinkled and more radiant in appearance. They can reduce fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth, and can treat wrinkles caused by sun damage and aging. They’re also used to reduce age spots, freckles and other dark patches that can be exacerbated by exposure to the sun. Depending on the type of peel you require, results and recovery time can range from immediate to several days.
Administered within the skin, Micro-Botox does not affect deeper muscles; instead it smooths and tightens the skin itself by targeting sweat and oil glands along with the muscles that open your pores. With these muscles and glands suppressed, your sun-damaged skin becomes noticeably tighter and smoother. For most people, the effects last 3-4 months. Micro Botox differs from other Botox treatments in that it involves a larger number of very small injections. The procedure requires 30-90 minutes to perform depending on the treatment area, and other than mild bruising that may last 3-5 days, treatments typically have no downtime.
Used as a cream to treat skin that has been darkened by exposure to the sun, hydroquinone works by blocking the production of melanin. It has been shown to be effective in treating melasma (patches of darker skin typically on the forehead, cheeks, and upper lip), freckles, age and sun spots, and also acne. The results aren’t immediate – it may take weeks or even months before results are visible – but as old skin sheds and new skin is created, skin tone will even out.
A skincare procedure that involves using a sharp tool to exfoliate the surface of your skin, dermaplaning is performed with light, feathering strokes. The results are dewy skin, more rapid cell turnover and improved texture. It can be especially helpful when performed before other treatments to allow the products to penetrate more deeply. Moreover, the virtually painless shaving motion removes light facial hair while exfoliating. Side effects? A slide redness that will fade almost immediately.
Sun Protection
Essential on a daily basis, and particularly important while using skin restoration protocols, effective sun protection goes well beyond merely blocking against UVA/UVB rays. Flawless skin protection solutions not only reflect the latest recommendations from the Skin Cancer Foundation, including protection against UVA/UVB, HEV and IR-A rays, they are specifically tailored to each individual’s needs.
Micro needling
An effective treatment that spurs cellular growth by stimulating the body’s natural wound-healing process, micro needling can help restore a youthful radiance and evenness of tone to sun-damaged skin. It works by creating controlled micro-injuries that trigger your immune system to disinfect wounds, remove debris, increase blood flow and begin to create new tissue from the granulation cells that are part of the extracellular matrix. Additionally, a new network of blood vessels develops. Treatments last from one hour to 90 minutes and are not painful (they feel like rubbing an electric toothbrush on your skin), though they do cause mild redness and itching that last from 24-48 hours. Three monthly treatments will yield peak results in about six months.
Dermal Fillers
An effective way to help turn back the clock on sun damage without surgery or long recovery periods, dermal fillers restore volume to your skin – restoring firmness, softening creases, and recontouring facial features. We use proven products such as Juvéderm®, Restylane® and Sculptra® to smooth brow furrows, restore volume under the eyes, soften nasolabial folds, rejuvenate hands, plump the lips and more. Treatments take about 30-90 minutes depending on the area treated, and can cause mild-to-moderate swelling and bruising for three to seven days. Results are visible right away and can last for several months to several years.
Skin Care
This is all about the actions you take every day to keep your skin healthy and vibrant. What’s unique about our approach to daily skincare is that it’s tailored not only to your needs, but also to your daily routines and individual goals. This involves looking beyond the damage caused exclusively by the sun. It starts with medical-grade products that are grounded in science and proven by experience, and it continues with a customized skin care program we develop for you – one that gets results without forcing you to change the way you live. Plan on an hour for so for an in-depth initial consultation.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) therapy uses growth factors from your own blood to rejuvenate skin. A small sample of blood is drawn at your appointment. Your own plasma, white and red cells and other growth properties form the basis for an injectable formula that stimulates collagen growth, regenerates tissue, improves skin tone, and naturally smoothes and tightens the skin. Results begin to show 3-4 weeks after the treatment session and continue to improve as the body builds its own collagen. Often more than one session is needed for optimal results. The procedure requires no after care. It can be a standalone treatment, or used in combination with other procedures such as micro needling to enhance results. Mild swelling, redness or bruising fades within one to three days.
ZO 3-Step Peels
Ideal for the treatment of hyperpigmentation, aging, scarring and acne, our ZO 3-Step Peel is an innovative, in-office treatment followed by an at-home treatment to combat the signs of aging and skin discoloration. It utilizes a blend of exfoliants, retinol and multi-action agents to help improve skin health. It also provides antioxidant protection as well as visible anti-irritant benefits.
Oral and Topical Medications
Prescribed by the Nurse Practitioner to treat active disease as well as repair and restore damaged skin, oral and topical medications are carefully overseen to ensure safety and effectiveness.