Bright Eyes
If you look in the mirror and see fatigue, hollowness or even an anger you don’t feel, Bright Eyes can make a dramatic difference. From dark circles and droopy eyelids to crow’s feet and frown lines, we’ll diagnose the issue and develop a plan to address it, starting with tailored skin care and extending to a range of non-surgical, injectable options. Your eyes are a work of art, and we’re experts at restoration.

Common Problems
Crow’s feet, 11’s/frown lines, bunny lines, under-eye circles and bags, forehead

Treatment Options
Wrinkle Relaxers
What if you could laugh (or frown, for that matter) without exaggerating the fine lines and wrinkles surrounding your eyes? Botox Cosmetic® and Dysport® injectable treatments help to reduce moderate to severe frown lines, crow’s feet and forehead lines by working beneath the surface to temporarily suppress the muscle activity that causes them. Administered by injection in about 15 minutes (with little to no downtime), they yield results that last about 3-4 months.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) therapy uses growth factors from your own blood to rejuvenate skin. A small sample of blood is drawn at your appointment. Your own plasma, white and red cells and other growth properties form the basis for an injectable formula that stimulates collagen growth, regenerates tissue, improves skin tone, and naturally smoothes and tightens the skin. Results begin to show 3-4 weeks after the treatment session and continue to improve as the body builds its own collagen. Often more than one session is needed for optimal results. The procedure requires no after care. It can be a standalone treatment, or used in combination with other procedures such as micro needling to enhance results. Mild swelling, redness or bruising fades within one to three days.
Skin Care
This is all about the actions you take every day to keep your skin healthy and vibrant. What’s unique about our approach to daily skincare is that it’s tailored not only to your needs, but also to your daily routines and individual goals. Whether we’re focusing on your eyes or everything surrounding them, effective skin care starts with medical-grade products that are grounded in science and proven by experience, and it continues with a customized skin care program we develop for you – one that gets results without forcing you to change the way you live. Plan on an hour for so for an in-depth initial consultation.
Administered within the skin, Micro-tox does not affect deeper muscles; instead it smooths and tightens the skin around your eyes by targeting sweat and oil glands along with enlarged pores. With these glands suppressed, the skin surrounding your eyes becomes noticeably tighter and smoother. For most people, the effects last 3-4 months. Micro-tox differs from other wrinkle relaxer treatments in that it involves a larger number of very small, superficial injections. The procedure requires 30-90 minutes to perform depending on the treatment area, and other than mild bruising that may last 3-5 days, treatments typically have very little downtime.
Dermal Fillers – Juvéderm®, Restylane® and Sculptra
The eyes are the windows to the soul, and dermal fillers can help you frame them beautifully, without surgery or long recovery periods. They work by restoring volume to your skin – smoothing wrinkles, softening creases, and improving facial contours. We use proven products such as Juvéderm®, Restylane® and Sculptra to improve facial contours, smooth brow furrows, restore volume under the eyes, and soften nasolabial folds. Treatments take about 30-90 minutes depending on the area addressed, and can cause mild-to-moderate swelling and bruising for three to seven days. Results are visible right away and can last for several months to several years.
Peels are simple, but effective treatments where a blend of exfoliants, retinol and other multi-action agents are applied to help improve skin health and treat many signs of aging. Peels provide antioxidant protection as well as anti-irritant benefits and result in skin that is usually smoother, less wrinkled and more radiant in appearance. Treatments can also be effective in helping to improve the appearance of mild scars, treat certain types of acne, and reduce age spots, freckles and other dark patches that may distract from the natural beauty of your eyes. Depending on the type of peel you require, results and recovery time varies.